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Here are some commonly asked questions about Temple Christian School. If you are unable to find an answer to a question that you have, please us the "contact us" page and we will get back to you with an answer.
What grades does your school have?
TCS begins enrollment at 4 years old in our K4 class and extendes through the 12th Grade in High School.
What curriculum do you use at your school?
Temple Christian School uses a combination of Bob Jones University and ABeka books as our curriculum. Both curriculums stress the importance of critical thinking skills and reading comprehension. We are NOT a common core school. Our curriculum is also at a higher standard vs. public schools. Students who graduate from Temple Christian School earn a College Prep diploma.
What time does TCS begin and end each day?
The school day starts promptly at 8:15 AM and finishes at 3:00 PM. TCS does offer an "early stay" program where students may be dropped off as early 7:30 AM. Temple Christian also offers an "aftercare" daycare program to parents who are unable to pick their students up at the scheduled end of the school day. The "early stay" program is of no charge to the parents. Parents do pay an hour rate for students who stay after school in "aftercare."
What are the tuition rates for TCS?
Temple Christian strives to keep our tuition rates as low as possible to give the opportunity of a Christian School ​education to any family who deisres to give their student a Christian, God-centered, quality education. Since our tuition rates vary depending on grade level and number or students enrolling per family, please use the "contact us" page of the website and request our tuition rates and fees.
Does your school accept the Ohio voucher?
Temple Christian School does not accept the Ohio voucher towards tuition. TCS does offer scholarships and different discounts toward tuition to those who qualify. For more information regarding financial help, please contact us through the "Contact Us" page of the website.